Receive Students into Administrator's Plus from Admissions

Students in the Admissions Holding Bin within Administrator's Plus must be approved before they're received into the school year. To approve admission and receive the prospects into AdminPlus, do the following:

When students are received from Admissions, Administrator's Plus checks if the student record already exists in the system by verifying the First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth.

Admissions Plus Web

  1. On the left Shortcut bar, Click Data Base then select New Files.
  2. Within Add or Edit Names for Students or Staff dialogue box, select HB: Admissions:
  3. You will see a window asking if you would like to check for new data. Select Yes:
  4. After the sync has completed, select Done.
  5. Select 1. Students from If you have students to received, the number will be listed. Otherwise it will show (0 students) if there are new students to receive:
  6. In the View New Students: dialog box, select the students you want to receive from the Admissions Holding Bin, and then click Approve Admission.


  1. On the left Shortcut bar, Click Data Base then select New Files.
  2. Within Add or Edit Names for Students or Staff dialogue box, select HB: Admissions:
  3. Select 1. Students from Admissions Plus Pro (# Students) and click Next.
  4. In the View New Students: Admissions Plus Pro dialog box, select the students you want to receive from the Admissions Holding Bin, and then click Approve Admission.

You can also select the Select All check box if you want to admit every student in the holding bin.

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