Send/Schedule Student/Contacts E-Mail

To send or schedule an E-Mail to be sent to Students and Contacts, do the following:

  1. Select Send/Schedule E-Mail:
  2. The Compose E-Mail window opens:
  3. Enter in a Subject. 
  4. Select Attachment to add a newsletter or another file.

    This is limited to 50 MB or less. If you attach a file larger than that, the following message will display:

  5. Enter in any text to the body of the email. This is customizable. The text can be edited, links and images can be inserted as well as tables:
  6. To make emailing students and/or contacts simple, you can add fields to the email that act as placeholders for Student and Contact data. When the email is sent, these fields are replaced with the recipient's information. For example, if you place the Preferred Name field in the greeting line, the email sent to Jane Doe will read "Dear Jane Doe," and the email sent to John Smith will read "Dear John Smith."
    Fields are only replaced with students data for recipients who are automatically added to the email. Manually added recipients will see a blank space.
    The fields are found in the panel to the right of the email body and are organized into three tabs: Demographics, Contacts, School, and Other.
    Other includes the following
    • CPronoun1 (He, She, They)

    • Pronoun1 (he, she, they)

    • CPronoun2 (Him, Her, Them)

    • Pronoun2(him, her, them)

    • CPronoun3 (His, Her, Their)

    • Pronoun3(his, her, their)

    • Descriptor (son/daughter/child)

    • E-Mail Date (Date E-Mail Sent)

  7. To add fields to the email, you can drag and drop them into the email.
  8. Once the e-mail is all set up, you can choose  if you would like to use this again for a future e-mail. When selected, the Save Template window opens. Enter a name and click Save.
  9. Click Next. The Select Students page opens.
  10. Choose to select students by Grade Level, DB Field(s), Views or by Individual Students.
    • Grade Levels:
    • DB Field(s):
    • Views:
    • Individual Students:
  11. Click Next.
  12. Select the following:
    • Contacts, Students or check off both.
    • Which Contacts? Choose either Household, Primary, All, or Advanced.
      If Advanced is selected, you will have the option to filter by Global and Local Fields such as Household or Relationship. Select to edit or edit any selected fields.
      Click Filter by Global and Local Fields to add additional Fields.
    • On the right side, select  to CC any additional recipients. Their address will need to be manually entered.

  13. Click Next.

A preview of your email will be displayed. See the diagram and table below for more information:

Preview & Send
View Recipients: States the number of students the email will be sent to along with the selected contacts. If students is not selected, 0 will display. Click View Recipients to view the list of recipients:
Select or to scroll through and view the emails being sent to the recipients.
A preview of the email is displayed. Here you can review prior to sending.
  • Select  to send all emails immidiately .
  • Select to schedule the e-mail to be sent at a later time.
    • Enter a date, or click the calendar icon to choose a date up to3 days in advance:
    • Enter a time, or click the time icon to select a time from the dropdown:
  1. Select Cancel to close the email. This e-mail will not be saved as a draft.
  2. Select Back if any changes to the email or reciepents need to be made. 

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