The School > Schedule dashboard displays the Current Quarter tile, Student Schedule tile, as well as the Manage Courses & Sections tile. The Current Quarter tile displays the active academic quarter, while the Student Schedule tile displays students without assigned sections as well as those with pending course requests. This dashboard lets users quickly view, including current terms, student enrollment, and available courses.
Schedule Dashboard | |
A | Schedule Tab |
B | The Current Quarter tile displays the following information:
To view the Quarter Ending Dates, select the The dates displayed here are User specific and are set in Classic Administrators Plus. |
C | Student Schedule tile displays the number of students without sections and those with course requests. |
D | The Manage Courses & Sections tile displays a list of active courses and their corresponding sections. To search on a Course Number, Name or Description, select ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Manage Courses & Sections
After expanding the tile, the Mange Course & Sections page opens. You can add a course and assign all required course information.
Courses cannot be deleted from either or Classic Administrator's Plus if Scheduling Edit is enabled for .com. Courses should not be inactivated if they need to be printed on a Student Transcript.
Course Details
Users can choose to look up a course by number, name, description, or use advance search. You can also choose to Add a New Course. Select a course to see Course Details and Analytics (# Sections, # Linked Skills, # Enrolled Students, # Course Requests), as shown below.
To edit an existing course, click in any field. Upon trying to edit the course, the follow warning will appear:
Please be aware edits to the following information for a course will affect all students who currently have this course in their transcripts: Course Name, Description, Alias, Level, Department, Course Length, Credits Weight, and GPA Factor
Add New Course
To Add a New Course select . The Add New Course window opens. Only Unused Courses will be shown. If you would like to view existing courses in the list, select Show Existing Courses.
If you are added a new English course, but you want to be sure the new course is in the same range as your existing English courses, you could choose to Show Existing Courses, then view first course from the English Department:
Highlight the unused course of your choice > click Select. On default the values of the Add New Course: Settings will be entered for the new course.
The following information is mandatory and must be entered when adding a new course. If these are not entered, the course cannot be saved:
- Course Name
- Department
- Optimum Section Size
- Course Length
- Priority
- Credits
- Weight
- GPA Factor
You can add sections to a course to offer the course at different meeting times and with different teachers. From the Manage Courses & Sections screen, select the Sections tab to view Section detail. Click the to View Rosters and course section details. The Roster report can be printed or emailed to selected Staff or Admin Users. Users with editing rights in schools that select to edit Schedule in will be able to Edit Section Details and Add Sections.
Edit a Section
To edit an existing section, select . The Edit Section window will open.
Edit Section | |
A | Section Number: This is display only and cannot be edited. This can only be edited when the section is initially added. |
B | Teacher: Manually type the Teacher Name or select the dropdown to select a teacher |
C | Meeting Time: Enter an alphanumeric Meeting Time |
D | Section Length: Select section length This will be predetermined by the setting of the course length |
E | Room: Enter in which room the section will meet |
F | Start Grade / End Grade: Select which grades should take be able to take this course section. |
G | Delete Section: Select ![]() |
Select Save after entering in all of the details.
Add a Section
From the Sections tab, select . The Add Section window opens.
Edit Section | |
A | Section Number: On default, the next section number is entered. Or you can choose to enter in another section number. This can be a two-digit number. |
B | Teacher: Manually type the Teacher Name or select the dropdown to select a teacher |
C | Meeting Time: Enter an alphanumeric Meeting Time |
D | Section Length: Select section length This will be predetermined by the setting of the course length |
E | Room: Enter in which room the section will meet |
F | Start Grade / End Grade: Select which grades should take be able to take this course section. |
Click Save to save the newly added section.