We are pleased to announce the release of AdminPlus version Hosted schools were updated to AdminPlus version on June 11th, 2016. Non-hosted schools may download this new version from our website.
If you're using Internet Explorer to download the new version, you may see a warning stating that the signature of the installation is corrupt or invalid. While this is an issue with Internet Explorer and not with the installer package, downloaded the new version with another browser.
Report Cards: Calculate Averages
Course grades, skill grades, comments, and narratives can be cleared for inactive and withdrawn students. Previously, students that were inactive in the school or withdrawn from a course were excluded from the batch clearing process in the Calculate Averages program. To make this process more user friendly, we've added new options to the Specifications screen to include these students.
Data Base: Portfolio Module
Existing documents can now be e-mailed to contacts directly from the Portfolio module:
- Select and right-click the document(s), and click an e-mail address option. The QuickMail module opens with the document(s) attached and the e-mail addresses of all of the student’s contacts populated.
Report Cards Plus: Entry Forms Program
Students' names now print on two lines when the first and last name are longer than 20 characters combined. In the previous AdminPlus update, this feature was active by default. In this update, we have added an option to toggle it on or off. This new option can be found on the Specifications screen of each of the affected reports. This change affects the following items in Report Cards > Entry Forms:
- Manual Grade Entry Forms
- Grade Verification Forms
- Section Rosters
- Skill Grade Entry/Verification Forms
- Teacher Grade Search Report
In order to increase the number of characters displayed for each students’ name, in Data Base, click New Files, click Specifications, and set a value in the Student Name Length (For Display) field, up to a maximum of 40.
Report Cards Plus: Grade Verification Forms
A new option is available to allow users to select which report card columns appear on a grade verification form. Prior to this update, all 13 columns appeared on the report.
Scheduling: Rooms Per Block
If a class meets in different rooms for each meeting time, and those rooms are identified in the Rooms Per Block feature, those rooms are now shown on all grid schedules in AdminPlus. To set Rooms Per Block, do the following:
- In Scheduling, click Enter Courses, and click View/Edit Sections.
- Select a section, and click Rooms Per Block. Each Block during the selected section's meeting times are highlighted in pink.
- Double-click a Block to enter a room number. The Block turns grey.
Rediker SIF Agent Reporting
SIF Event Message handling has been improved. The enhancement should eliminate occasional concurrency errors, such as Permission Denied, related to the GUIDREF.FUT file used by the SIF Agent.
The enhancement should also create a noticeable speed improvement of most batch operations, such as Address Batch Entry, Importing of Grades, Batch Dropping a Section, and Calculating Averages, when the SIF Agent is enabled.
Data Base: New Files
The Specifications screen can now be accessed without selecting a student or staff member first. Prior to this update, the Specifications feature was inactive unless a student or staff member was selected.
Home: Demographics
When a field is set with the auto-fill property, it always populates when a new record is created. A number of schools have fields set to automatically fill with a default entry each time a new student or staff member record is created. Prior to this update, auto-fill fields wouldn't populate until the user visited the tabs that these fields are located on.
Excel Wizard: Common Specifications
When a Date field from Demographics is included in an Excel export, the date now adheres to the date format set in Data Base > Cust DB > Set Date Formats.
When you're sending batch e-mails, a single connection is maintained with the e-mail relay server. Previously, the program was connecting and disconnecting from the server for each recipient.
If you have any questions related to this update, please e-mail [email protected] or call Tech Support at 800-882-2994