We are pleased to announce another update for the PlusPortals. Included in this update are a number of important feature fixes, along with a few enhancements:
- Ability to hide non-teaching staff members from the PlusPortals Directory.
- Line breaks in Google Calendar events are now supported in the PlusPortals Calendar.
- The Messages screen can now be sorted and filtered by the contents of any column.
- The full text of long class names will now appear in a bubble when the mouse is hovered over a class card on the teacher's home page.
The PlusPortals were updated during the early morning (EDT) on November 7, 2016. Please review the full details of this update below.
Features and Enhancements
Non-teaching staff members can now be hidden from the PlusPortals Directory
A new setting has been added in the Permissions > Summary > Directory area. When set to “No,” staff members with APIDs between ST301 and ST600 will not appear in the Directory.
This setting is set to “No” by default.
The PlusPortals Calendar will now display line breaks in Google Calendar event descriptions
When using the Calendar Feed feature to create a live feed with Google Calendar, if an event on the Google Calendar has line breaks in the description, those breaks will be displayed in the event preview pop-up on the PlusPortals Calendar.
Messages can now be sorted and filtered by any column on the Messages screen
The full name of classes will now appear in a text bubble when the teacher hovers the mouse over the Class Card
Feature Fixes
- The teachers’ customized class names will now appear in the class selection drop-down. Prior to this update, the AdminPlus course names were displayed.
- Homework/Assignments set by the teacher to be not visible will no longer appear to students and parents in the E-Locker > Homework Hand-in area.
- Students can now access the OneDrive (Business) login screen E-Locker > Homework Hand-in when the OneDrive (Business) option is enabled in the Permissions > Summary Previously, an error screen appeared when students attempted to sign in.
- When e-mailing or printing login credentials for parents, if the [user.password] macro is included in the E-Mail Template being used, the parents’ passwords will be included. Prior to this update, the parents’ passwords were displayed as “********” unless the (temporary) password was generated by the system.
- Students will no longer experience issues accessing single-attempt quizzes multiple times before submitting. Prior to this update, if a student exited a quiz without answering at least one question, either by navigating away or by losing connection to the PlusPortals, the quiz was submitted to the teacher and therefore no longer accessible.
- When a teacher creates an item for a class, such as a Calendar Event or a Homework/Assignment, any files attached to the item will now be included in the e-mail notification if the teacher chooses to use the Send E-Mail Notification option.
- When a teacher posts an item for a class to the Calendar, such as an Event or Homework/Assignment, parents will no longer see the names of all of their children in the school on that event in the ParentPlus app. Instead, they will see only the name of the student who is in that class.
- All occurrences of recurring events will now appear in the Events box of the PlusPortals Login Page if the event is set to be shown and the school is using the enhanced login page (enabled in Miscellaneous > Appearance > PlusPortals Home Page).
- Teachers can now use the Print Preview button in E-Locker > Quizzes to generate a printable version of the screen, showing all submitted quizzes. Prior to this update, an error occurred when this button was clicked.
- When the PlusPortals Calendar is exported to an ICS file and imported to an external calendar, the event times will now be displayed properly. Previously, all times were reflected in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
- Quarter Ending Dates will no longer save in Spanish format. Prior to this update, when the Save Settings button was clicked on the Permissions > Summary page, the dates would occasionally convert to Spanish format with the month spelled out: 21/mayo/2016. This caused the Permissions > Summary area to be inaccessible until corrected by Rediker.
If you have any questions related to this update, please e-mail [email protected] or call Tech Support at 800-882-2994