Compose and Send a New Notification
Using AP Notify in the AdminPlus Mobile App, you can send notifications to students, parents, and staff via text, voice, and e-mail. To compose and send a notification, do the following:
- On the Notify page, tap Compose.
- The New Notification page opens. Tap one or more notification type toggle switches and do the following:
Notification Type Configuration Text MessageType a text message into the Enter message text box. E-MailType a Display name, a Subject, and e-mail message. Voice MessageTap the toggle switch to choose Recording or Text to Voice.
- Text to Voice: Add a text-to-voice message.
- Recording: Choose one of the following:
- Upload New File
- Record New
- Select Previous
- Text to Voice: Add a text-to-voice message.
- After you select and configure each notification type you want to send, tap Next.
- The Send To page opens.
Send a Notification
To send the notification you composed, do the following:
- For District Accounts: On the Select Schools page, tap the check box for each school you want to include, or tap the All Schools check box.
- On the Send To page, tap one of the following:
Send To Configuration All Students/ContactsThe Select Contacts page opens. Proceed to step 3.
All StaffThe Summary page opens. Proceed to step 4. All Staff & Students/ContactsThe Select Contacts page opens. Proceed to step 3.
Select Grade LevelsTap the check box for each grade level you want to receive this notification, and then tap Next.
Individual StudentsTap the check box for each student you want to receive this notification, and then tap Next.
Individual StaffTap the check box for each staff member you want to receive this notification, and then tap Next.
- On the Select Contacts page, tap the toggle switch for Students and/or Contacts.
- If you only selected Students, tap Next.
- If you selected Contacts, configure the contact settings, and then tap Next.
- Review the Summary page, and then tap Send.
- To schedule the job for a later time, select Change Date and Change Time.
- To schedule the job for a later time, select Change Date and Change Time.
Enable Emergency Mode
In the case of an emergency at your school, the Emergency Mode feature in AP Notify enables users to designate certain messages as high priority. When activated, the background color will change to indicate that Emergency Mode is on. This background color will remain until the message has been sent, and Emergency Mode has been disabled.
When choosing to send a message set as Emergency Mode, the following restrictions apply:
- Text Messages will have a 160-character limit
- No E-Mail Attachments
- No individual Recipients (group messaging only)
- Notification Jobs cannot be scheduled for a later time
- Text Message will be delivered via 79041
After enabling Emergency Mode, you can opt to send a Text Message, Voice Message, Email, or all three adhering to the previously mentioned restrictions. See Compose and Send a New Notification for more information about sending messages. Once the messages have been entered, select Next. See Send a Notification for more information on how to add recipients. The Summary page opens. Confirm the messages entered and the recipients selected are correct. As a reminder, the option to Send Later will not be available. Click Send to send the message immediately.