AdminPlus Interface: Student and Staff Snapshot

Student Snapshot

When you select a student from the Home screen, the Quickview dashboard is replaced with the Student Snapshot. The Student Snapshot is divided into three sections, explained by the diagrams and tables below.

Left Section of the Student Snapshot
View the student’s name, address, and up to three demographic fields. If the student has any alerts, you can click to view them.

View the student's APID number and data verification status. (The status icon will have a check mark if verified manually or a cloud if verified in Online Forms and received from the holding bin.)

If the Student Snapshot does not show the data verification status icon, click   in the upper-right of the Lookup  or  Demographics  screen . In the  Specifications: Demographics  dialog box, click  Page 2, and for  Show Parent Verification Status, click  Yes. Then, click  Done.

Email the student (), edit the student's information (), inactivate the student (), or add a student ().
Change the demographic fields displayed.

Middle and Right Sections of the Student Snapshot

View the student's contacts and access a contact's information by clicking their name. To view all the student's contacts' information, click  Contacts. To add a new contact, click  New.

Contacts with   next to their name live in the student's household.

Email the contact.
Open the most recently viewed SuperDB table.
View all SuperDB tables.
Display information from the Administrator's Plus modules. You can display up to six fields in one column or up to 12 fields in two columns.

Staff Snapshot

When you select a staff member from the Home screen, the Quickview dashboard is replaced with the Staff Snapshot. The Staff Snapshot is divided into three sections, explained by the diagrams and tables below.

Left Section of the Staff Snapshot
View the staff member’s name, address, and up to three demographic fields. If the staff member has any alerts, you can click  to view them.

View the staff member's APID number and data verification status. (The status icon will have a check mark if verified manually or a cloud if verified in Online Forms and received from the holding bin.)

If the Staff Snapshot does not show the data verification status icon, in the upper-right of the  Lookup  or  Demographics screen, click . In the Specifications: Demographics  dialog box, click  Page 2, and for  Show Staff Verification Status, click  Yes. Then, click  Done.

Email the staff member (), edit the staff member's information (), inactivate the staff member (), or add a staff member ().
Change the demographic fields displayed.

Middle and Right Sections of the Staff Snapshot
Open the most recently viewed SuperDB table.
View all SuperDB tables.
Display information from the Administrator's Plus modules. You can display up to six fields in one column or up to 12 fields in two columns.

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