You can create seating charts that contain information to help you take attendance in each of your classes. These seating charts can include names, pictures, APIDs, database fields, grades and averages, and specific assignment columns. When creating these charts you can determine the seating chart name, the teacher's position, the seat arrangement grid's size and order, and the arrangement of students within the grid.
- Click Attendance > Seating Chart on the side navigation menu.
You can also click
at the top of the startup screen.
The most recently saved seating chart for the current class gradebook opens in the Attendance tab. If you haven't created any seating charts yet, the tab is blank.
- Click the Seating Chart tab, and then, next to the Seating Chart drop-down list, click + Add New.
- In the Add New Seating Chart panel, fill out the Seating Chart Name box.
- Expand Arrange Seats, and set the grid size by filling out the Choose number of seats per row box and the Choose number of rows box.
If you leave Arrange Students set to Random, the generated seating chart is blank. You can add students by editing the seating chart. For more information see Edit or Delete a Seating Chart.
- Optional: To create a customized seating chart, do any of the following:
- Arrange Seats: Expand Arrange Seats, and set the Teacher position relative to the grid and/or determine How {Assign All} places students in the grid.
- Label Seats: Expand What fields to show on seat, select any combination of the following: Picture, APID, Name (Full, First, or Last), Database Field, Show Averages and Grades, and Assignment Columns.
- Arrange Students: Expand Arrange Students, and click one of the following: Random, By Rank, By data field (Alphabetically), Alphabetically, or By ID.
If you skip customizing the options above, your seating chart will follow the default settings.
- At the top of the Add New Seating Chart panel, click Save.