One Staff: Snapshot

The Staff Snapshot displays the staff record through multiple widgets. Please refer to the diagram and table below for additional information about the widgets.

Only schools that have been set up to edit and have selected to edit the module in will be able to use the add/edit features for that module. If your school is not set up for Edit, the AdminPlus Supervisor will have to request edit by emailing

One Staff: Snapshot
Profile widget displays the staff's picture, name, address, APID and up to three additional demographic fields. If the staff has any alerts there will be an alert icon in the banner to view the details of the alert(s). Click the gear icon to select the demographic fields to display. Click the eye icon  to hide the information within this widget.
Daily Attendance displays the staff's attendance statistics on the left for the selected date range, today's attendance on the right, and the last attendance underneath. Click on the comment icon to view today's attendance comment. Click on the gear icon to change the selected date range. Click on the eye icon to hide the information within this widget. Click on the expand icon to open the Attendance tab to view/edit Daily Attendance detail. 

Schedule displays the staff's current class, the class before, and after. 

If your school has something other than the names of the days of the week (A Day, B Day, etc. instead of Mon, Tues, Weds), this data will not display. 

Click on the eye icon to hide the information within this widget. Click on the gear icon to choose to display the Line or Grid Schedule. Click the expand icon to open the Schedule tab to view their schedule in Grid or Line Format.

Latest Portfolio Files displays the most current portfolio file information. Click the preview icon to view the portfolio record. Click on the eye icon to hide the information within this widget. Click the expand iconto open the Portfolio tab to view/edit Portfolio records.
Privacy Mode allows users to hide any information displayed. An Eye icon is visible in each widget. When Privacy Mode is on, a strikethrough will appear over the eye and "Privacy Mode ON. Click the eye icon to view the data." will display.

Click the gear icon to edit the Privacy Mode settings.
Demographics display up to ten demographic fields. Click on the eye iconto hide the information within this widget. Click the gear icon to select the demographic fields. Click the expand iconto open the Demographics tab to view/edit demographics.

In future we will be adding more widget options and users will be able to select the ones that are best for their role.

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