School Demographics: Batch Entry

Batch Entry for Students

To Batch enter data, do the following:

  1. Go to School > Demographics Batch Entry. Select the expand icon to open Student Data:

  2. The Batch Entry: Student Data  window opens.

  3. Select the DB Field(s) that are to be used for batch entry on the left. Enter the data for each field on the right. If the selected field has predefined choices, there will be a dropdown.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Select which students the data should be batch entered for with one of the following options. For each option, also select the status of the students:

    • By Grade Levels:

    • DB Field(s):

    • Views:

    • Individual Students: Select a view, chose to search by Contains or Begins With and search for the individual students:

  6. Click Next.

  7. Select I agree to batch enter the Demographic data for the selected students. Click Confirm.

  8. The Batch Entry has been successfully completed message will appear.

Batch Entry for Staff

To Batch enter data, do the following:

  1. Go to School > Demographics Batch Entry. Select the expand icon to open Staff Data:

  2. The Batch Entry: Staff Data  window opens.

  3. Select the DB Field(s) that are to be used for batch entry on the left. Enter the data for each field on the right. If the selected field has predefined choices, there will be a dropdown.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Select which staff the data should be batch entered for with one of the following options. For each option, also select the status of the staff:

    • Type: Select either All Staff, Teaching Staff, or Non-teaching Staff:

    • DB Field(s):

    • Views:

    • Individual Staff: Select a view, chose to search by Contains or Begins With and search for the individual staff:

  6. Click Next.

  7. Select I agree to batch enter the Demographic data for the selected staff. Click Confirm.

  8. The Batch Entry has been successfully completed message will appear.

View Batch Entry Log

To view the log for the previous Batch Entry, do the following:

  1. Select Logs.
  2.  Select the record and click View Log to download the log to Excel:

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