School: Dashboard

Our all-new School Dashboard can display up to 12 Tiles and 3 Chart. Each Tile and Chart can be configured by each user to their specification. See the diagram below for more details.

Tiles: Click on a tile to see a table view of the Tile details. This information can be printed or exported. Click and hold on a tile to drag it to a different position on the screen.
Charts: Click on the expand icon  to see a larger chart view and a table of the detail. This information can be printed or exported. Click and hold on a chart to drag it to a different position.
  • Manage Dashboard: The Manage Dashboard setting allows users to fully customize their dashboard experience. 
  • Refresh Widgets: Select Refresh Widgets to refresh the data in all of the Tiles and Charts.

Manage Dashboard

In the upper right of the browser, you can select the gear icon and Manage the Dashboard. From here, you can:

  • Edit Tiles and Charts: Adjust the order, titles, colors, and content to suit your needs.
  • Add New Widgets: Choose from the existing Library or create custom Tiles and Charts based on your preferences.

  • Personalize Appearance: Select background colors, themes (Solid, Minimal, or Gradient), and toggle display options like highlighted titles or data labels.

List of Tiles

The List of Tiles displayed on your Dashboard are fully customizable. You can edit their order, title, color, and content to suit your needs. For example, on Tiles with a date range, you can switch from viewing Today to Year-To-Date data. Additionally, the Library offers a variety of pre-built Tiles to choose from. You can also create and add New Tiles to your Library by selecting a widget type and configuring the settings to match your preferences.

List of Tiles Tab
List of Tiles: List of current Tiles displayed on your Dashboard. Select to drag and drop the Tile in a different location. This will move the location of the Tile on the Dashboard and will be updated upon selecting Close.
Edit Tile: Click Edit to review or update the Tile settings. The Edit Tile window opens.
See Edit Tile for more information.
Hide Tile: Click the minus symbol to hide the Tile from the Dashboard. It will be moved to the Tiles Library for future use.
Library: Select Library  to view all the predefined Tiles.

The availability of Tiles and Library items is determined by the user’s access rights. If a user lacks permissions for a specific module, the corresponding Tiles will not appear. Additionally, they will receive a warning message if they attempt to create a tile for a module, they do not have access to.

See the table below for List of Tiles and a description of the different widget types.

List of Tiles

Widget Types


Absent Today (Staff)*

Daily Attendance in a Date Range

View the Student or Staff Daily Attendance count for a Date or Date Range based on selected Register or Attendance Codes

Absent Today (Students)

Dismissed Today (Students)*

Tardy Today (Students)

Other Today (Students)

Attendance Not Submitted  

Approval Center Attendance

View the count for a Date or Date Range based on the Status for selected Homerooms/Periods

Incidents Today  

Incidents in a Date Range 

View the count of Students for a Date or date Range based on selected Incident Codes, Action Codes, or Action Summary Codes

Birthdays Today (Students) 

Events Search

View the count of Students or Staff Events (Demographic date fields) for a Date or Date Range.  Ignore Year for Birthday

Households in a School


View the count for different Household searches; Students in Household, Students Not in Household, Households in School  

Households Not Assigned

Students with No Contacts

Students with No Contacts

View the count of Students with No Contacts  

Homeroom Not Assigned

Demographics Search

View the count of Students or Staff with a specific Demographic field value

Students Not Scheduled 

Schedule Search Limit

View the count of Students with a specific number of Course Requests, Course/Sections, or Study Halls

Students With Course Requests * 

Attendance Status Today  

Attendance Status on a Day  View the active Student or Staff count for a Date.  The details include the Attendance code and comment for the date 

Grades Not Submitted * 

Approval Center Grades

View the count for a Marking Period and Status for Section Meeting When

Reviewed Course Requests (Library)

Approval Center Course Requests

View the count based on the Status

Sent from Admissions * 

Approval Center Admissions

View the count based on the Status

Submitted Forms * 

Approval Center Online FormsView the count for Pre-Populated or Registration Forms based on the Status

Submitted from PlusPortals *

Approval Center PlusPortals  

View the count of Students or Contacts based on the Status

Submitted Incidents

Approval Center Incidents

View the count based on the Status 

*Available in the Library

Tiles Library

The library contains all the predefined Tiles. Select Library to view all Tiles. See the diagram and table below for more information.

Tiles Libary
Choose a column to search by, such as Tile Name. Select Contains to switch between the "Contains" or "Begins with" filters. Enter the name in the search bar and click the magnifying glass to search.
Select the ellipsis to manage a tile:
  • Select Hide to hide a tile on the dashboard. If a Tile is already hidden, Show will be visible.
  • Click Edit to edit the tile.
  • Select Copy to make a copy of the tile. Enter in a new Title and click Save:
  • Select Delete to delete a tile. 
If you have multiple Tiles created, select to go to the next page at the bottom.
Click Close to exit the Tiles Library.
Select Create New Tile to add a new Tile to the Tiles Library. 

Edit Tile

When editing a Tile, the available options will vary based on the Widget Type selected for that specific Tile. Some Widget Types may have less settings selections. In the example below, Daily Attendance in a Date Range is selected. Click edit to review or update the Tile settings. The Edit Tile window opens.

Edit Tile
  • Title: The name of the Tile will be entered in Title.
  • Widget Type: Select the Widget Type. This will determine what kind of information the Tile will be searching for.
  • Search On: Choose to search on Students or Staff
  • Tile Color: Select from one of the 12 default colors, or click on a custom color position to add or edit an existing color:

Date/Date Range for Attendance

  • Type: Select from one of the following types:
    • Date 1 to Date 2: Enter a start and end date
    • Date 1 to Today: Enter a start date to Today
    • Last X Days: Enter the number of days you would like to search. E.g. Last 10 Days.
    • Next 10 Days: Enter the number of days you would like to search. E.g. Next10 Days.
    • Pre-Defined: Today, Yesterday, or Year-to-date
Search Criteria
  • Search For: Register Code or Attendance Code
  • Select a Code from the Dropdown
  • If Register Code is selected, choose Type: Excused, Unexcused, Undefined, or all 3.
  • Code1/Code2: Select Code 1, Code 2 or Both
Select Students
  • Select By: Save Views or Grade Levels

Saved Views

Grade Levels

  • Select to close the Edit Tile window and cancel your any changes made. 
  • Select to save any change as a new Tile. The Save Tile As window will open. Enter a new TIle Title.
  • Select to save changes to the existing Tile.

List of Charts

The List of Charts displayed on your Dashboard are fully customizable. You can edit their order, title, display options, and content to fit your needs. For example, instead of viewing statistics for the entire school, you can filter data by View or Grade Level to focus on specific student groups. The Library currently offers 3 default charts, but you can create and save new charts based on the existing chart types. Stay tuned for future releases, where additional widget types for charts will be introduced to expand your options further.

List of Charts Tab
List of Charts: List of current Charts displayed on your Dashboard. Select to drag and drop the Chart in a different location. This will move the location of the Chart on the Dashboard and will be updated upon selecting Close.
Edit Chart: Click Edit to review or update the Chart settings. The Edit Chart window opens.
See Edit Chart for more information.
Hide Chart: Click the minus symbol to hide the Chart from the Dashboard. It will be moved to the Charts Library for future use.
Library: Select Library  to view all the predefined Charts.

The availability of Charts and Library items is determined by the user’s access rights. If a user lacks permissions for a specific module, the corresponding Charts will not appear. Additionally, they will receive a warning message if they attempt to create a chart for a module, they do not have access to.

See the table below for List of Charts and a description of the different widget types.

List of Charts

Widget Types


Attendance Trend (Past 10 Days) 

Attendance Trend

Line Chart of Daily Attendance for date or date range based on selected Register or Attendance Codes.

Students and Staff Count 

Student and Staff Count

Bar Chart of membership count for date or date range for selected grades and or staff. 

Student Population Percentage 

Population Percentages

Pie Chart showing the percentages of Student or Staff values for a selected demographic field.

Charts Library

The library contains all the predefined Charts. Select Library to view all Charts. See the diagram and table below for more details.

Charts Library
Choose a column to search by, such as Chart Name. Select Contains to switch between the "Contains" or "Begins with" filters. Enter the name in the search bar and click the magnifying glass to search.
Select the ellipsis to manage a chart:
  • Select Hide to hide a Chart from the dashboard. If a Chart is already hidden, Show will be visible.
  • Click Edit to edit the chart.
  • Select Copy to make a copy of the chart. Enter in a new Title and click Save:
  • Select Delete to delete a chart. 
If you have multiple Charts created, select to continue to the next page at the bottom.
Click Close to exit the Charts Library.
Select Create New Chart to add a new Chart to the Charts Library. 

Edit Chart

When editing a Chart, the available options will vary based on the Widget Type selected for that specific Chart. Some Widget Types may have less settings selections. In the example below, Attendance Trend is selected. Click edit to review or update the Chart settings. The Edit Chart window opens.

Edit Chart
  • Title: The name of the Chart will be entered in Title.
  • Widget Type: Select the Widget Type. This will determine what kind of information the Chart will be searching on.
  • Choose to Display Axes Titles and/or Display Data Labels
  • Search On: Choose to search on Students or Staff

Date/Date Range for Attendance

  • Type: Select from one of the following types:
    • Date 1 to Date 2: Enter a start and end date
    • Date 1 to Today: Enter a start date to Today
    • Last X Days: Enter the number of days you would like to search. E.g. Last 10 Days.
    • Next X Days: Enter the number of days you would like to search. E.g. Next10 Days.
    • Pre-Defined: Today, Yesterday, or Year-to-date
Search Criteria
  • Search For: Register Code or Attendance Code
  • Select a Code from the Dropdown. These codes are multi-select.
  • If Register Code is selected, choose Type: Excused, Unexcused, Undefined, or all 3.
  • Code1/Code2: Select Code 1, Code 2 or Both
Select Students
  • Select By: Save Views or Grade Levels

Saved Views

Grade Levels

  • Select to close the Edit Chart window and cancel your any changes made. 
  • Select to save any change as a new Chart. The Save Chart As window will open. Enter a new Chart Title.
  • Select to save changes to the existing Cha.


Customize your Dashboard Theme to match your preferences! Select a background color, choose between Tile Themes (Solid, Minimal, or Gradient), and pick a Chart Theme (Solid or Minimal). You also have the flexibility to highlight the title names on Tiles and enable axes titles and data labels on Charts for clearer visualization.

Dashboard Theme
Select the Page Background Color
  • Color: Select the dropdown and the Select Color window will open. Choose from any color to update the background color. If you have a specific color to use and have the HEX code, it can be entered at the bottom:
Select the Tiles Theme: The color of each tile can be set while adding or editing the tile. Choose from one of the following:
  • Solid
  • Minimal
  • Gradient

Users can also choose to Highlight Tile Name by selecting the checkbox:

Select the Charts Theme: Choose from one of the following:
  • Solid
  • Minimal

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