One Student: Demographics

The Demographics condensed view keeps the top tiles (Profile, Contacts, Daily Attendance, and Schedule) in view and displays  Demographics below.

Edit features are only available if the AdminPlus Supervisor has requested edit from and has selected to edit Demographics in Schools that use Batch Entry or Import should continue to edit in classic until these features are added in

Please refer to the diagram and table below for additional information about the features of the Student Demographics screen:

One Student: Demographics
Demographics tab.
The default screen layout is STANDARD which has fields 1-260 sequentially across 13 tabs. If your school has other screen layouts it can be selected here.
If your school has selected to edit Demographics in, users with edit capability can click in a field to go into Edit mode. Click Cancel to go back to View mode without making any changes.
Save & Next will save any edits made and move to the next student from the student list on the left.
Save will save any edits and return to the View mode.
Click the expand icon to see more of the Demographic screen.

The Student Demographics expanded view hides the top tiles and displays the student name and the 3 demographic fields selected for the Profile widget. Once expanded, the screen will stay in this mode in all tabs, to return to the condensed view click.

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