One Student: Payments

The Payments tab is your one-stop shop for managing all charges. This includes tuition, fees from re-enrollment forms, along with any manually added charges or payments. 

For a more integrated accounting solution, please see FINACS School Accounting Software, contact your Rediker Account manager directly, or email

To set up an Online Form to create charges that will appear on the Payments tab, please see: Add New Form Settings for AdminPlus Online Forms

The Payments expanded view displays the student picture, name, and three selected demographic fields selected from the profile widget and Payments at the bottom.  The top tiles are hidden so more of the Payments can be viewed.

Please refer to the diagram and table below for additional information about the features of the Payment screen:

This information will only be visible to AdminPlus users that have All or Read Only access to classic AP Billing.

Payments tab
Click the collapse icon to return to the condensed view which displays the top tiles above the Charges and Payments.
Click the invoice icon to see an Invoice Summary of the Current Charges, Current Payments, Total Due, Future Charges (Charge Date after today), Advanced Payments (Payments made on Future Charges). The Total Due will appear in Green if the balance is 0 and Red if there is a Current Charge that is Past Due.
Click the Print button to print a Payments report that shows the Summary, Charges table, and Payments table.
Click the Send to Excel button to export the Charges and Payments to Excel.
Click the Add Charge button to add a charge manually.  Select New Invoice to add another Invoice # or select an existing invoice to add additional charges to the invoice. Enter a Description, Date, Due Date, Amount, Status.  A Remark is optional.
Note: if the Date of the Charge is after today's date it will be considered a Future Charge and any Payments against Future Charges are considered Advance Payments.
Click the edit icon next to a Charge to edit any of the Charge detail.
Click the money icon to enter a Payment for the Charge.
Click on any column to sort in ascending order , click again to sort the data in descending order.
Click the filter icon to apply a filter to a column. A checkmark above the filterindicates a filter has been applied.

If Advanced Payments are made in person then these funds can be applied to Charges.  Click Manage Charges to see the details and edited if needed.

Click the Add button to record the Payment.  The funds can then be applied to a Charge by selecting "From Advance Payment.
Click the edit icon next to a Payment to edit any of the Payment detail.

Payments made online are not editable 

The bottom of the screen displays the Summary of the Current Charges, Current Payments, Total Due, Future Charges (Charge Date after today), Advanced Payments (Payments made on Future Charges). The Total Due will appear in Green if the balance is 0 and Red if there is a Current Charge that is Past Due.  

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