RediSite Release Notes: February, 2025

The year 2025 begins with all RediSite customers successfully upgraded and migrated to our latest web-hosting technology and platform. In these release notes, we are pleased to formally unveil several new features and enhancements. Whether you’re a long-time RediSite user or new to the platform, you’re sure to discover something new!

New Features
PlusPortals School ResourcesSeamlessly integrate your existing PlusPortals Resources with your RediSite school website.
PlusPortals/AdminPlus Staff DirectorySync your RediSite staff directory with real-time data from your AdminPlus database using PlusPortals permissions.
Card Flip WidgetA content widget featuring animated flipping cards. 
RediSlider WidgetA customizable content slider widget with optional icons.
Contacts Card List WidgetA compact and stylish staff directory widget.
Table with Search WidgetA versatile data table widget with pagination, sorting, and search functionality.
Pre-designed SectionsWe've expanded our content library with a variety of pre-designed layouts. Easily add these sections to any page of your RediSite.
Feature Fixes
Calendar+ Display Issue with Year-Spanning EventsFixed a display issue with year-spanning events for the Calendar+ Widget.
Calendar+ Display Issue on a Single Day with Multiple EventsCalendar+ Widget now accurately displays multiple events on a single day.

New Features

PlusPortals School Resources

PlusPortals School Resources (links and files) can now be effortlessly integrated into your RediSite website. By marking resources as Public, you can automatically display them on your website. This works similarly to our existing School Announcements and Calendar feeds. Simply create a resource, select Show on Login Page (Public), and it will appear on your RediSite. For added organization, use Folders to categorize and filter your resources for display.

Please see PlusPortals School Resources (Links & Files) for more information.

PlusPortals/AdminPlus Staff Directory

Easily create a public-facing staff directory on your website using your AdminPlus database. Your active staff members will automatically populate the directory and can be conveniently grouped by Department.

Please see PlusPortals Staff Directory for more information.

Card Flip Widget

A versatile widget offering many customizable content and design options. This widget showcases an animated two-sided card capable of displaying an image or icon, along with a Title and Description text, and an optional Link.

Please see Card Flip Widget for more information.

RediSlider Widget

A widget that presents content on customizable scrolling slides, capable of including images or icons, text descriptions, and a link.

Please see RediSlider for more information. 

Contacts Card List Widget

A widget tailored for displaying your Staff Directory in a sleek and compact format. It includes a clickable button that expands to reveal additional information such as Email and Department. It integrates seamlessly with your AdminPlus Staff data feed.

Please see Contacts Card List Widget for more information.

Table with Search Widget

A widget that displays a substantial dataset in a paginated, sort-able, and searchable table format.

Please see Table with Search Widget for more information.


Pre-designed Sections

New pre-designed content layouts have been added to the library and can be incorporated into any page of your RediSite. These additions include sections highlighting some of the latest widgets, such as the RediSlider and Card Flip widgets.

Please see Designed Sections for more information. 

Feature Fixes

Calendar+ Display Issue with Year-Spanning Events

The Calendar+ Widget has been updated to address an issue with events spanning from one year to the next. Previously, events that crossed the year-end, such as those running from December 24th to January 2nd, would incorrectly display as ending a day early on January 1st. This update ensures that such events now render accurately. The update has been automatically applied to all published sites and widgets. If you still encounter this issue, please access the editor, select the Calendar+ widget, and click Update Widget if prompted. For further assistance, you can also contact support at [email protected] for further assistance.


Calendar+ Display Issue on a Single Day with Multiple Events

The Calendar+ Widget has been updated to address issues with single days that have a large number of events in the monthly calendar view. Previously, days with many events, such as 12 events on a single day, would cause the calendar view to become "cut-off," preventing users from seeing the end of the month. The update introduces a new setting under General Configuration called # of Events on a Day (Calendar View). This setting allows you to choose between 1 and 5 events to display per day, with additional events hidden under a +# More link and pop-up. For instance, if a day has 5 events, only 2 will be shown, with a clickable +2 more option to view the rest. This update has been automatically applied to all published sites and widgets. If you still encounter this issue, please access the editor, select the Calendar+ widget, and click Update Widget if prompted. For further assistance, you can also contact support at [email protected] for further assistance.

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