Contact Form

Use the Contact Form widget to add an online form to your site. The Contact Form widget allows you to provide visitors with a variety of input areas; specific text, drop-down, radio buttons, check boxes, date, time, email, and phone numbers. You can use the form for customer questions, or simply to gather feedback from your site visitors.

Keep in mind this is a public website, do not use the Contact Form to collect sensitive information.

To Add a Contact Form

  1. Click the Widgets option from the Side Panel
  2. Search for Contact Widget
  3. Drag and Drop the Widget on the page

Configure the Widget (New or Existing)

  1. Click on an existing Contact Form to the Widget Editor
  2. On the Content Tab of the widget editor you can edit the Form Items (fields) and Submissions.
  3. To Add a form field Click +Add field (under the existing fields)
  4. Set up fields with a Field Label and choose a Field Type. Fields can be set as a Required Field.
  5. Field Types include: Text, Dropdown, Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, File Attachment, Date, Time, Long text, Email, Phone number, number, Opt-in, Free text
  6. Be sure to set a recipient in the Submissions Tab for New submission notification. If you are having trouble receiving the email notifications please see this article. 

It is highly recommended that you setup email notification and place a recipient email into the widget.

If the Form submissions will be sent to is empty, the primary email in the content library will be used. If no such email exists, the account owner (Rediker) will be used as the default submission recipient. All responses go to the form responses page.

Email notifications will come from [email protected]

By default, reCAPTCHA validation is added to new forms. This protects your form from spammers and speeds up the form submission process for site visitors. reCAPTCHA cannot be disabled. You can however select how it is displayed

Use a combination of Start new line at this field and the Field size to place multiple fields on one line.

Opt-In and Free Text can be used for a disclaimer and or to obtain consent from your submitter. Either can be used to help configure your form to be more GDPR-Friendly.

File Attachment Field Option:

  • The file name must not include a space when uploaded.
  • The file size limit for attachments is 10MB.
  • Only one file can be uploaded per file attacment field (if multiple files will need to be uploaded, a field will need to be included for each).
  • The following file formats are supported: .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, .zip, .ppt, .pptx, .psd, .txt, .xml, .mp3, .ttf, .otf, .woff, .eot, .svg, .odt, .ott, .js, .css, .png, .jpg, .gif, .jpeg, .rar in addition to all video file formats.
  • Submitted file attachments expire after 90 days.
  • The email notification will include a link to the attached file(s)
The basic Contact Form cannot be used to collect payments. Please contact your account manager about our online form options that would allow for online payments to be collected.

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