A custom widget with many adjustable content and design features. This widget uses scrolling slides to display images or icons as well as Title and Description text, along with an optional Link. Great for showcasing fast facts or highlighting important calls to action on your website.
To add a RediSlider Widget to a Page:
- Open the Widgets Panel (+)
- Search for "RediSlider"
- Drag and Drop the RediSlider Widget on to the page
- Add content and adjust features as desired.
- Add slides as needed under the Slides List
- The Content includes Link (optional), Image or Icon, Title and Description text.
Optionally, a user can add a "Designed Section" that already contains a RediSlider Widget.
By Default the slide will show neither an Image or Icon, it requires the user to choose one or the other. Options to "Show Image" or "Show Icon" are presented under the Slides content area. It is not possible to show both (it is one or the other, or neither).
Be sure to set the Widget's Unique ID. If using more than one RediSlider widget on the same page, each be set to a unique number.
Content Options
There are several adjustable content options. Clicking on a Slide will open the content options for the slide.
# | Title | Settings |
1. | Slides | Slide Link Link Text (will not show unless a link is set) Title Description |
2. | Show Title and Show Description | Toggles these items on or off |
3. | Show Image and Show Icon | Allows toggling between displaying Images or Icons (or neither) |
4. | Enable Link | Toggle the Link option on or off |
5. | Slider General Settings | Speed When Swiped Show Slide Navigation Enable Grab Cursor Slide Free Mode Sticky Free Mode |
6. | Slide Automation | Auto Play Delay Disable Slider on Interaction Pause Slides on Hover Loop Slides |
7. | Responsive Settings | Set number slides visible on device type (mobile, tablet, and desktop). |
Design Options
There are many options that may vary based on content settings like Image or Icon. Most design options are standard items you may find with other widgets like adjust Font Size and Color etc.
# | Title | Settings |
1. | Block Styling | Wrapper Padding (around the widget) |
2. | Slide Style | Slide Background (color or image) Space Between Slides Border Corner Radius Slide Alignment (Vertical) Top/Bottom Padding (Slides) |
3. | Slider Header Style (Image or Icon) | Show Header Header Background (color or image) Padding Top, Bottom, and Left/Right Based on Icon/Image there will also be size/height, padding, etc. settings impacting the displayed item. |
4. | Slider Body Styling | Padding Top, Bottom, and Left/Right Title Space Top and Bottom Tile and Description Font settings |
5. | Link Styling | Link Entire Slide Horizontal Alignment Vertical Alignment Top Space Background (color or image) Border, Width, and Padding |
6. | Slider Navigation Styling | Arrow Color Arrow Size Arrow Opacity |